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In the world of winemaking, the keys to success are the grapes and the crew. Thus the land, climate, and farming input are the most important factors for making world-class wines. Having been pear and grape farmers for three generations prior to purchasing the winery in 1979, our family already understood the most important aspect of winemaking. Here at Husch, our wines are an extension of our farming heritage, amazing Mendocino terroir, and dedicated work force.

Back in 1972 we harvested the fruit into boxes that we loaded on the truck.

In the winery, simplicity is king. Winemaking is not rocket science, it is a matter of providing the right environment for the right outcome. Wine was not invented, it was discovered. People picked grapes, left them in a tub with the intention of eating them, forgot about them, only to come back and find that they had wine. After making this tasty mistake a few times, people slowly figured out how and why this happened. Today, wine at Husch is made much the same way, very simply. It is all about farming the highest quality grapes and providing the right environment for those grapes to become wine.

Winemaker Brad pushing pinot noir grapes into the crusher
Sorting pinot noir grapes by hand

From our largest production to our smallest lots, all Husch wines receive the same amount of attention. We pick our grapes either at night or very early in the morning to retain coolness. Once the grapes enter the winery, we employ a variety of techniques that are tailored to each wine being produced. The results are delicious wines that have a sense of place and distinguished varietal character. We hope you enjoy!

Pinot noir juice drips from the press as the winemaking process begins

Husch Vineyards
Tasting Room: 4400 Hwy 128, Philo, CA 95466
Mail Address: PO Box 189, Talmage, CA 95481
Open Daily 10am to 5pm
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